日本NF 仿真电源EPX 系列

单价 面议对比
询价 暂无
浏览 100
发货 广东深圳市付款后3天内
品牌 日本NF
过期 长期有效
更新 2024-08-28 12:51


VIP   VIP会员第1年

仿真电源EPX 系列


ModelElectronic powerEPX 4104410VAEPX 4106620VAEPX 41121250VAOption : GPIB, Three Phase option

The EPX series , EPX 4112, EPX 4106 and EPX 4104 are single-phase AC power supply consisting of a power amplifier, built-in 40Hz to 500Hz frequency synthesizer and digital display. 

Peak output current is as large as 2.5 times of RMS rated value.Electronic power is 3 types of 410VA, 620VA and 1250VA.
Wide range of output voltage

The output voltage is 100,120,200 and 240Vrms selectable ,and each is variable 0 to 120%. And also secured rated output current within 20 to 120%.
High precision/ high resolution

The output frequency is 40Hz to 500Hz,resolution 0.001Hz, and accuracy 50ppm. The output voltage harmonic distortion is less than 0.5%.
Versatile functions

Preset memory, Auto-level, self-recovery potective circuit, and external signal input terminal.

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