美国福禄克FLUKE 流量测量主机molbox RFM
molbox RFM 是一个辅助单元,可使用 molbloc-L 层流和 molbloc-S 声速流元件进行质量流量测量。
molbloc 流量元件通过两个压力连接件和一根数据线连接到 molbox RFM 上。molbox RFM 从 molbloc EEPROM 读取校准数据,并利用其内置的高精度参考压力传感器 (RPT) 测量 molbloc 的上游压力和下游压力。欧姆测量系统读取 molbloc 铂电阻测温仪的电阻,然后由此计算 molbloc 温度。利用存储在 molbox RFM 内存中的 molbloc 校准数据、压力、温度和气体属性,可计算出通过 molbloc 的气流流速。对于 molbloc-L 流量元件,在流量量程 10% FS 以下时,可以选择微量程选项来提高流量测量分辨度和精确度。
molbox RFM 和 molbloc 流量元件应用广泛,适用于需要高精确度测量低气流的测量、测试和校准应用。对于主要考虑结构紧凑、量程可调性高、成本较低的应用来说,molbox RFM 是理想之选。第二种型号 molbox1+ 针对的优先考虑不确定度的应用。要配置质量流量校准系统,请查看随后几页,选择 molbloc 和压力相关校准,以便更好的覆盖您的流量量程和压力状况。molstic 安装系统和 COMPASS® for molbox 流量校准软件可以帮您完善系统。
molbloc-L 覆盖的流量量程从 1 sccm 到 100 slm,而 molbloc-S 覆盖的流量上限更是达到了 5000 slm
从 20 种不同的气体中选择
利用 100:1 可调性实现认证的测量不确定度 ±0.5% 读数
完善的前面板控制以及 RS232 和 IEEE-488 远程通信
molbox RFM 可测量通过 molbloc 流量元件的流量。molbloc-L 的流量量程、可用工作压力和压力差,或者 molbloc-S 的流量量程、绝压量程,取决于所使用的 molbloc 元件和校准选项。请参阅 molbloc-L 和 molbloc-S 量程表,了解校准和量程详情。
molbloc-L 量程高可达 3E4,可通过微量程选项提高在 10% FS 以下时的分辨率和精确度。对于 1E5-L molbloc,必须使用微量程选项才能达到技术指标。
molbox RFM
molbloc-L(量程从 1E1-L 到 3E4-L)
1 秒
1 秒
到 molbloc 满刻度,取决于气体和 molbloc 压力
取决于校准类型(请参阅 molbloc-L 量程表)
流量相对于 20 kPa 到 200 kPa 绝压(3 psia 到 30 psia)或 20 kPa 到 200 kPa 绝压(7 psia 到 70 psia)上游
(请参阅 molbloc-S 量程表)
0.01% FS
±0.01% 读数
±0.23% 读数,从 10% 到 100% FS
±0.023% FS,在 10% FS 以下
±0.25% 读数
±0.1% 读数,从 10% 到 100% FS
±0.01% FS,在 10% FS 以下
±0.1% 读数
±0.25% 读数,从 10% 到 100% FS
±0.025% FS,在 10% FS 以下
±0.3% 读数
(一年期)±0.15% 读数,从 10% 到 100% FS
±0.015% FS,在 10% FS 以下
读数的 ±0.2%
±0.5% 读数,从 10% 到 100% FS
±0.05% FS,在 10% FS 以下
±0.5% 读数,从 50 kPa 到 500 kPa,±0.5% 流量 @
50 kPa 从 20 kPa 到 50 kPa
具有微量程选项的 molbox RFM
molbloc-L(量程从 1E1-L 到 3E4-L)
molbloc-L(量程仅仅是 1E5)
1 秒
1 秒
从 0 到 molbloc 满刻度,取决于气体和 molbloc 压力
取决于校准类型(请参阅 molbloc-L 表格)
从 0 到 molbloc 满刻度,取决于气体和 molbloc 压力
取决于校准类型(请参阅 molbloc-L 表格)
0.01% FS,0.001% FS 以下
10% FS
0.01% FS
±0.23% 读数,从 1% 到 100% FS;±0.0023% FS,在 1% FS 以下
±0.25% 读数,从 5% 到 100% FS
±0.0125% FS,在 5% FS 以下
±0.1% 读数,从 1% 到 100% FS
±0.001% FS,在 1% FS 以下
±0.2% 读数,从 5% 到 100% FS
±0.01% FS,在 5% FS 以下
±0.25% 读数,从 1% 到 100% FS
±0.0025% FS,在 1% FS 以下
±0.32% 读数,从 5% 到 100% FS
±0.016% FS,在 5% FS 以下
(一年期)±0.15% 读数,从 1% 到 100% FS
±0.0015% FS,在 1% FS 以下
±0.2% 读数,从 5% 到 100% FS
±0.01% FS,在 5% FS 以下
±0.5% 读数,从 1% 到 100% FS
±0.005% FS,在 1% FS 以下
±0.5% 读数,从 5% 到 100% FS
±0.025% FS,在 5% FS 以下
除了没有微量程以外,其他技术指标与 molbox RFM 相同。只要将 molbox RFM 连接到 molbloc-S 上,就会禁用微量程传感器。
1 精确度:包含线性度、迟滞和可重复性。
2 预测的稳定度:典型 molbox RFM 和 molbloc 在典型环境下使用时一年内从零到范围值的大变化情况。由于稳定度只能是一种预测,因此应该根据经验建立特定 molbox RFM 的稳定度。
3 测量不确定度:molbox RFM 流量指示相对于通过 molbloc 的流量真值的大偏差,包括精确度、稳定度和 DHI 校准标准不确定度。molbloc 的测量不确定度技术指标仅适用于使用的是 molbloc 校准过的气体的情况。所有 molbloc 都针对 N2 校准过。其他气体的校准是可选的。并非所有规格的 molbloc 在所有时间,对所有气体都提供 DHI 校准功能。请在订购前检查是否可用。
型号 描述 Molbox RFM molbox RFM 参考流量监控器
用户手册、校准证书、电源线、(2) molbox RFM 到 molbloc 压线、(1) molbox RFM 到 molbloc 数据线、(2) 直通压力快速连接器5141-100 molbox RFM, molbloc 5E1-L 10 to 100 sccm
5141-1K molbox RFM, molbloc 5E2-L 100 to 1,000 sccm
5141-10K molbox RFM, molbloc 5E3-L 1 to 10 slm
5141-50K molbox RFM, molbloc 3E4-L 5 to 50 slm
5142-1K molbox RFM-M, molbloc 5E2-L 10 to 1,000 sccm
5142-10K molbox RFM-M, molbloc 5E3-L 0.1 to 10 slm
5142-50K molbox RFM-M, molbloc 3E4-L 0.5 to 50 slm
5144-50K molbox RFM-M, molblocs 5E2-L and 3E4-L10 sccm to 50 slm
配件 描述 MFC-CB 控制盒 MFC-CB 控制盒
(2)MFC/MFM 连接线套件
校准报告针对 molbloc/molbo 用户的校准辅助软件 molstic-L 安装系统 molstic-S 安装系统 RFM-RMK 机架安装工具
RFM 02 微量程
molbox RFM (5141 kits) or molbox RFM-M (5142 and 5144 kits) reference flow monitor with quick connect molbloc pressure lines, molbloc communication cable, line cord and user manual
molbloc 5E2-L and 3E4-L laminar flow elements
molstic-L mounting system, with fine pressure regulator and an isolation valve and precise flow metering valve for each molbloc-L
Tubing and adaptors to connect gas supply and device under test, including 1/4 in tube fitting, 1/4 in NPT female, 1/4 in NPT male, 1/8 in NPT male and 1/4 in BSP male
molbox RFM (5141 kits) or molbox RFM-M (5142 and 5144 kits) reference flow monitor with quick connect molbloc pressure lines, molbloc communication cable, line cord and user manual
molbloc 3E4-L laminar flow element
molstic-L mounting system, with fine pressure regulator and an isolation valve and precise flow metering valve for each molbloc-L
Tubing and adaptors to connect gas supply and device under test, including 1/4 in tube fitting, 1/4 in NPT female, 1/4 in NPT male, 1/8 in NPT male and 1/4 in BSP male
molbox RFM (5141 kits) or molbox RFM-M (5142 and 5144 kits) reference flow monitor with quick connect molbloc pressure lines, molbloc communication cable, line cord and user manual
molbloc 5E3-L laminar flow element
molstic-L mounting system, with fine pressure regulator and an isolation valve and precise flow metering valve for each molbloc-L
Tubing and adaptors to connect gas supply and device under test, including 1/4 in tube fitting, 1/4 in NPT female, 1/4 in NPT male, 1/8 in NPT male and 1/4 in BSP male
molbox RFM (5141 kits) or molbox RFM-M (5142 and 5144 kits) reference flow monitor with quick connect molbloc pressure lines, molbloc communication cable, line cord and user manual
molbloc 5E2-L laminar flow element
molstic-L mounting system, with fine pressure regulator and an isolation valve and precise flow metering valve for each molbloc-L
Tubing and adaptors to connect gas supply and device under test, including 1/4 in tube fitting, 1/4 in NPT female, 1/4 in NPT male, 1/8 in NPT male and 1/4 in BSP male
molbox RFM (5141 kits) or molbox RFM-M (5142 and 5144 kits) reference flow monitor with quick connect molbloc pressure lines, molbloc communication cable, line cord and user manual
molbloc 3E4-L laminar flow element
molstic-L mounting system, with fine pressure regulator and an isolation valve and precise flow metering valve for each molbloc-L
Tubing and adaptors to connect gas supply and device under test, including 1/4 in tube fitting, 1/4 in NPT female, 1/4 in NPT male, 1/8 in NPT male and 1/4 in BSP male
molbox RFM (5141 kits) or molbox RFM-M (5142 and 5144 kits) reference flow monitor with quick connect molbloc pressure lines, molbloc communication cable, line cord and user manual
molbloc 5E3-L laminar flow element
molstic-L mounting system, with fine pressure regulator and an isolation valve and precise flow metering valve for each molbloc-L
Tubing and adaptors to connect gas supply and device under test, including 1/4 in tube fitting, 1/4 in NPT female, 1/4 in NPT male, 1/8 in NPT male and 1/4 in BSP male
molbox RFM (5141 kits) or molbox RFM-M (5142 and 5144 kits) reference flow monitor with quick connect molbloc pressure lines, molbloc communication cable, line cord and user manual
molbloc 5E2-L laminar flow element
molstic-L mounting system, with fine pressure regulator and an isolation valve and precise flow metering valve for each molbloc-L
Tubing and adaptors to connect gas supply and device under test, including 1/4 in tube fitting, 1/4 in NPT female, 1/4 in NPT male, 1/8 in NPT male and 1/4 in BSP male
molbox RFM (5141 kits) or molbox RFM-M (5142 and 5144 kits) reference flow monitor with quick connect molbloc pressure lines, molbloc communication cable, line cord and user manual
molbloc 5E1-L laminar flow element
molstic-L mounting system, with fine pressure regulator and an isolation valve and precise flow metering valve for each molbloc-L
Tubing and adaptors to connect gas supply and device under test, including 1/4 in tube fitting, 1/4 in NPT female, 1/4 in NPT male, 1/8 in NPT male and 1/4 in BSP male